strawberry and mint lemonade


Summer calls for many things – sunshine, longer days and barbeques on the beach to name just a few. But one of the main changes we notice when it comes to summer is a huge shift in our diets. The hearty pies and mashed potato meals tend to take a backseat in the warmer months and give way to salads, nibbles and on-the-go dining. If you ask us, there’s nothing like a good picnic…

But where would you be without that refreshing glass of lemonade? It’s pretty crazy, given that it’s such a simple drink to put together, but making something like lemonade from scratch is not all that common. What we love about this strawberry lemonade recipe is that it’s so adaptable – want something sharp and refreshing? Add more lemons. Got a sweet tooth? Throw in a bit more sugar. Want to go completely rogue? Mix things up with a lime!

What we’re saying is that this is one of those recipes you can so easily tweak and tailor to suit you. Check out our version below and give it a whirl!


  • Juice of 3 large lemons

  • 1/2 cup sugar*

  • 750 ml water

  • 5 strawberries

  • 1/4 cucumber, peeled

  • Few sprigs/leaves of fresh mint

*for those with a sweet tooth, you may want to add a little more sugar. Try experimenting with the ratios of sugar:water and see what works for you!

Yields: 1 litre


start by making a simple syrup. The clue is in the name, it really is super simple: add your sugar along with the 750ml of water to a non-stick saucepan. On a gentle heat, stir the two together until the sugar has completely dissolved.

next, add the juice of 3 lemons into a blender along with the sugar syrup, strawberries, cucumber and mint. Blend until smooth. If you’re down with some texture in your lemonade, you can serve this straight away. However, we find that it works best if you sieve the lemonade before serving – this way, you get a perfectly smooth drink with no bits. Serve in your favourite glasses with some freshly sliced strawberries, a wedge or two of lemon and some more of that fresh mint. This strawberry lemonade keeps well in the fridge for about a week but you will get some natural separation – just give it a shake/stir before drinking and you’re good to go!


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